School sportSport

Sports tournament at Norkem Park High on Saturday

Enter your netball or soccer team and help raise funds for Norkem Park High School’s netball teams.

Birchleigh Hills Club, in partnership with Norkem Park High School’s netball teams, will hosting a netball and soccer tournament on Saturday from 8am.

The tournament will be held at Norkem Park High School and soccer and netball clubs are welcome to enter their teams.

“The main aim of the tournament is to raise funds for the school’s netball teams’ kits. It has come to our attention that some of the netball players borrow each other’s netball trainers,” said netball coach Quincy Ntseia, who is also one of the organisers.

Ntseia said talent scouts from different institutions have also been invited. The organisers are also collecting sanitary pads throughout the event.

“There will be different stalls and we still have stall spaces available. To secure a space for a stall you have to donate sanitary pads, which will be donated to the school,” said organiser Papi Sekabate.

“A car wash, food and refreshments will also be available, which also forms part of the fund-raising.”

The school’s netball and soccer teams will represent the school.

There is a registration fee for the netball and soccer teams and cash prizes to be won.

For more information, contact Ntseia on 065 290 1535 or Sekabate on 076 339 9091.

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