Editor's choiceLettersOpinion

Action needed at hot spot

The least the metro could do is increase visibility


Once more I read about an attempted hijacking at the traffic lights at the Dann Road/Pomona intersection.

When are the police going to take action at this high risk area? For those of us who live in this area and are vigilant, it is a constant concern that we come past there after dark.

Also read:

Another attack at smash-and-grab hot spot behind Avion

However, for others who may not use this road often and stop after dark, there is a huge risk of being maimed or killed at this spot.

The least the metro could do is increase visibility by installing bright spotlights here and a few warning signs of it being high risk.

I personally expect a bit more, like an active drive past and removal of vagrants and unsavoury characters waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Please, can someone from the metro use their initiative.

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