Editor's choiceLettersOpinion

Kempton is a Third World town

'We pay rates and taxes - what happens to this money?'

SICK and Tired of Evading Potholes writes:

This has really become a Third World town – neglect is everywhere!

There are potholes on every road I drive on; the grass in parks is not cut regularly (specifically the park at Birchleigh North Library); and trees are never cut and the branches hang over the road so that cars cannot drive under them (Marthinus Crouse Avenue).

Also read:

‘No work being done to repair Kempton’s potholes’

Employ beggars to fix potholes

To add to the problems, 90% of drivers do not stop at stop streets and many drivers, especially taxis, go through red traffic lights. Driving has become really dangerous, what with evading potholes and unlawful drivers.

We pay rates and taxes – what happens to this money? It is certainly not being used to maintain our parks and roads.

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