Editor's choiceLettersOpinion

Taxis run wild as metro police focus on road blocks

So, it seems, they are allowed to fine residents but they are not fined for their incompetence

BILL from Birch Acres writes:

I am writing in response to your article about the EMPD not being able to administer traffic laws in the suburbs.

The reason they cannot do this is that they are too busy on the R25 with roadblocks, stopping law-abiding motorists because they are trying to make up money.

Even the 80km/h speed limit on the R25 is ridiculous. The speed limit on this road should be 100km/h from Kwartel Road to past Edenvale Hospital.

I have tried without success to get them to change this speed limit, but they are too arrogant to listen to someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

With these modern cars, this speed limit is ridiculous. My son got caught doing 93km/h on this road by one of these handheld cameras.

I wrote to them to try and get the fine quashed through E-siyakhokha, but as yet have not had any reply.

I also wrote to them about my late wife’s name that still appears on the water and lights bill. It should be transferred into my name. What I did get was a confirmation SMS, but nothing was done about it, so they seem quite happy to take money from a dead person.

Of course, although it’s in her name, I have been paying the account for the past 30 years. So basically you are right, the public does not get any answers from the council.

So, it seems, they are allowed to fine residents but they are not fined for their incompetence. It’s the same with water restrictions back in the old SA. The government of the day built water purification works. What happened to them? I know this as I was an estimator in the building industry.

The council can rest assured, most of us pay for the water we consume and we do not use extra water just to spite them.

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