Editor's choiceLettersOpinion

Labeling twins as ‘double trouble’ is rude

Good luck to all the twin learners and their parents for 2017

LURÉE KNOETZE of Glen Marais writes:

I would like to comment on the insert about Grade 1 twins for 2017 in the January 26 edition.

Even though I enjoyed the article, I was disappointed at the heading: “Double trouble in many Grade 1 classes”.

As the mother of identical twin girls, I have heard this comment countless times, and I have to say that I find it thoughtless, rude and offensive.

I’m sure that none of the people who are so quick to throw this remark at twins have ever given a second thought to how cheap it actually is. You wouldn’t tell someone with one cute little baby that her child is going to be trouble.

So why should twins always be labelled as “double trouble”? Out of all the thousands of Grade 1 entries, only nine (13 if you count the pre-school) sets if twins, I would like to think that special is a more appropriate description.

Maybe “double blessing” would be a more thoughtful, polite comment for everyone who’s always so quick with a remark about twins. Just a thought.

Good luck to all the twin learners and their parents for 2017.

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