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Frosty summer treats your kids will love

Your children will love these homemade popsicles treats that are both yummy, and healthy. You can also mix and match fruits.

Most ice pops and frozen treats contain high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavourings, food colouring, and tons of added sugars. Most of them don’t even have any real fruit in them, yet they still boast a high price tag!

Don’t sweat, mamma bear! You can be proud of what you offer your children with these two easy-to-make – and gentle-on-the-pocket – nutritious frozen delights. These ice superstars are made with REAL fruits. They’re even better than store-bought frozen treats. Best of all, they taste delicious!

Frozen strawberry yoghurt popsicles

Give your kids the best berry with this frozen strawberry yoghurt delight! This healthy dessert works really well with strawberries and is best eaten as soon as it’s made. If you don’t have an ice cream machine, freeze the frozen yoghurt in a plastic container; remove it from the freezer after about an hour and a half and whiz it in a food processor until smooth. Remove and repeat one more time, then freeze until completely frozen. 

*Prep time: 20 minutes plus freezing time


  • 500g ripe fresh sweet strawberries
  • 75g castor sugar
  • 100ml double cream
  • 200ml full fat yoghurt


  1. Remove the stalks and wash the strawberries before placing them in a blender and whiz until smooth.
  2. Over a large bowl, push the purée through a sieve using the underside of a ladle or wooden spoon. Mix the sugar, yoghurt and double cream into the strawberry juice.
  3. Pour the mixture into an ice cream-making machine and churn until frozen and thick.

Iced banana and pear popsicles

Your kids will go bananas over this yummy treat! It’s easy to make your own baby food desserts from fresh fruit, and sucking on lollies will help soothe sore gums when your baby is teething. This baby food dessert tastes delicious – almost like creamy ice cream. This also makes a delicious dessert served in a bowl unfrozen.

Top tip: Use ripe bananas for the best flavour. Ripe bananas will have some brown spots on the skin.

*Prep time: 20 minutes plus freezing time


  • 120ml custard
  • 2 bananas
  • 2 tbsp pear concentrate
  • 1 tbsp icing sugar


  1. Either use ready-made custard or make custard using half a tablespoon of custard powder, half a tablespoon of castor sugar and 150ml milk.
  2. Peel and mash the bananas and liquidise with the custard. Stir in the pear concentrate and icing sugar.
  3. Freeze for at least 20 minutes or until set.

Rainbow fruit popsicles

This recipe is 100% fruit – and that’s the way we love them! They’re a great way to sneak in lots of nutrients for the whole family.

Top tip: Lemon juice or lime juice pairs well with most fruits and can also help to reduce ‘icy’ texture.

*Prep time: 20 minutes plus freezing time


  • Grapes
  • Mango
  • Kiwi
  • Watermelon


  1. Begin by washing and preparing the fruit.
  2. Blend each fruit separately and then pour in bowls (strain the seeded fruit if you prefer). For a chunkier texture, you can mash softer fruits with a fork instead.
  3. Pour a little of each fruit mixture into the popsicle molds. You can layer them in whatever order you prefer. Tap the molds lightly on a surface between pouring each layer to get rid of any air bubbles.
  4. Insert popsicle sticks in the middle of each one and then freeze for at least 10 hours, until fully set.

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