Resident supports the community as an entrepreneur

Maviskokie Sebeko has been supporting recyclers around Alberton since 2003.

The RECORD met a self-made entrepreneur in Alberton who has been running her own recycling collection business since 2003.

Maviskokie Sebeko, affectionately known as ‘gogo’, has in her way supported the recycling community within Alberton and the surrounding area by providing them with an opportunity to make money from honest work.

Maviskokie has been working in the recycling industry since 1986 and it is through this that she built up a wealth of experience in the industry.

“I saw people sleeping on the street and I though I should give them an opportunity,” said Maviskokie.

She added this is not only a way for her to support herself but a way for others to make some money.

Maviskokie weighs the waste from the recyclers which she then buys from them and sells to major recycling plants. In this way she acts as a middleman between the recyclers on the streets and the recycling industry.

“I think it is a good thing as it keeps them away from crime,” said Maviskokie. “It also helps keep our environment clean.”

According to Lisa Levi, an Alberton resident who regularly brings recyclable materials to the businesswoman, Maviskokie shows great compassion and respect to the recycling guys selling recycled items to her on a daily basis.

“They depend on her for their daily bread,” said Lisa. “Everyone who knows her speaks highly of her.”
A major source of concern for Maviskokie was the lockdown period and the effect this has had on the recyclers who sell to her.

“People need to recycle more,” said Maviskokie. She advises people to try and put their recyclable materials apart from their normal waste and in so doing make it easier for the collectors to take the recycled items and not have to rummage through trash. 

“We need to get the word out that these are people working to support themselves and their families.”

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