Kasi stories told in pics

Change Colours Kiddies Pool and Braai Picnic that took place at the Leondale sports ground.

This is what has been happening in your township during the past two weeks. The pictures were taken during the event called Change Colours Kiddies Pool and Braai Picnic that took place at the Leondale sports ground on November 10.

Local business people got an opportunity to make money during the Change Colours Kiddies Pool and Braai Picnic at the Leondale sports grounds on November 10.
Parents and their children having a whale of time at the Change Colours Kiddies Pool at Leondale sports grounds on November 10.
“We brought our children here to have fun,” said these two women who brought their children to have fun at the Change Colours Kiddies Pool at the Leondale sports grounds on November 10.
Change Colours Kiddies Pool and Braai Picnic event organisers Simangele Mtimkulu (left) and Nkosana “Kido” Nxumalo at the Leondale sports grounds.
Children enjoyed having bubbles being sprayed on them at the Leondale sports grounds.
Children enjoying soothing properties of water at the Leondale sports grounds in Leondale
These little ones, it seems, saw the inflatable swimming pool at the Leondale sports grounds as the only solution to evade the scorching sunny weather.


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