Watch: Treating common bites and stings

South Africa is home to a rich variety of insects and arachnids, and many are found in our homes and gardens.

Bees, wasps, scorpions, hornets and spiders can pose a risk, particularly to young children, reports the Boksburg Advertiser.

Here’s what you need to know about common bites and stings:

Bees, wasps and hornets

Generally, a sting from a bee or hornet will only result in a localised reaction, although it may result in life threatening symptoms in people who are highly allergic to bee venom. Local reactions include:

Burning: lasting between one and two hours which is then followed by itching.

Swelling: which can continue for 24 hours and only subside after seven days.

Redness: This can last up to three days and is usually not caused by infection.

Only bees leave a stinger behind. Some say not to squeeze the stinger when you remove the sting and suggest using tweezers or a clean credit card to ensure you remove it completely. If it is below the skin’s surface, leave it there to fall out naturally. For pain and itching, apply ice or a cool compress for 20 minutes to bring relief. Some doctors may recommend over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen, or an antihistamine.

The biggest risk associated with bee stings is that the small amount of venom they release may trigger an allergic reaction and lead to anaphylaxis – a severe life threatening allergic reaction.

Anaphylaxis occurs when your body develops a severe allergic reaction to something such as food, medication or stings.

Symptoms include:

Treatment for severe allergic reactions to stings

If someone in your family experiences any of the above symptoms after a sting:

Spiders and scorpions

If you are bitten by a spider or scorpion it helps to carefully catch the spider or scorpion and bring it along to the hospital so that doctors know exactly how to treat the bite or sting.

Spider bites

Fatalities from spider bites in South Africa are extremely rare. The most dangerous spiders in South Africa include black and brown button or widow spiders (latrodectus species), sac spiders and the violin spiders. The button spiders are neurotoxic spiders as their venom causes widespread effects on the nerves and muscles. The latter two are known as cytotoxic spiders because their venom can destroy cells.

While larger spiders such as baboon and rain spiders can attack and bite if threatened, they are not poisonous. If children are bitten by larger spiders, they will require a lot of reassurance and some wound care. It is always good to check the status of your tetanus immunisation after any spider bite, as the spores of the tetanus bacteria may be found in the mouth parts of spiders. If you have not had a booster in the past five years this would be a good time to have one.

Black button spider bites

Black and brown widow button spiders are fairly common in homes and particularly in gardens across South Africa.

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