LettersLocal news

Young are worried about job prospects

Poverty is alive and well and living among us; the poor, the unemployed and those who cannot make ends meet due to financial constraints.

The elderly and the unemployed are facing dire straits and many of them are finding it almost impossible to survive under the country’s present economic condition.

Without a doubt, there are now more unemployed people who have no means of survival and are unable to provide for their families.

With the current high unemployment rate and no prospects of the situation improving soon, the future for the majority of South Africans looks bleak. Young people will be the hardest hit by these gloomy prospects and the question that needs to be answered is: what does the future hold for them?

I am studying towards my second degree in an effort to secure any possible prospects of employment in future. But what guarantee do I have that the employment situation in the country will be better?

Not all young people want to become entrepreneurs and run a small business. But every business person and young person wants to be able to feed and support their families when the time arrives.

Banele Mathebula, Ext 28, Vosloorus

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