
Greedy people take chances

It makes me mad when people complain on social media about being ripped off.

How on earth would I ever trust a total stranger who asks me to pay him or her a large amount of money for him to solve all my life’s problems and then I naively oblige and forward the money without asking questions?

And when nothing happens, I then complain on social media that I have been scammed?

My contention to this has always been that, only crooked people get involved in crooked deals with other crooked people. Any person who takes part in a game of chance in which he believes to gain for taking the minimum risks often does so because that person has criminal tendencies.

If people will only realise that any offer that sounds too good to be true, is often unreal and unattainable. Yet, on a daily basis, one reads and listens to sad stories about individuals and families who fall for Ponzi schemes and gamble away what they have for something they wish to have.

Our greed and love for material wealth and its values often become our biggest downfalls and yet we continue to acquire and hoard even more. If only people would step back and take a good look at some of their habits, I’m sure we can all gradually gravitate towards being a much better society than the greedy, heartless society we’ve turned ourselves into.

What a false and fake life we live to make ourselves believe we are living life to its fullest.

Just me vocalising my thoughts.

Modiehi Ntaolana

Phoko Section


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