
Five years later, will the Meyiwa murder case be solved?

I want to urge the Meyiwa family to continue engaging with AfriForum in order to bring the person or people responsible to account for their evil deed.

I am a parent and a concerned citizen of South Africa, and I would like to know from the Minister of Police Bheki Cele whether he and his SAPS hierarchy are going to continue trying to bring justice to the Senzo Meyiwa murder case in 2020?

Is the minister going to finally fulfill his promise to bring the killer of the late celebrated football goalkeeper to book? Are members of the SAPS going to be working with AfriForum civic group to investigate the person or bodies involved in his murder?

I am of the opinion that the only reason there has been no progress, in this case, five years after Senzo was murdered in cold blood, is that the matter was compromised and that money was exchanged to make the docket disappear?

I would also like to see Meyiwa’s colleagues in the soccer fraternity band together and stand behind AfriForum and the Meyiwa family to see justice served.

It is cases such as the Meyiwa murder case that have turned our country into a ‘banana republic’ where criminals reign supreme and the innocent are denied justice. Unless this case is resolved and the guilty parties are brought to book, lawlessness and the rampant crime in the country will continue to rise to the top and respect for law enforcement will be tarnished.

Thobile Mvelase

Katlehong North

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