EDITORIAL: Merger is definitely on track

Well, so far so good, we’re actually doing a lot better than our distracters would make you believe.

Our new joint-venture partnership with the Caxton publishing group can only be seen as a positive and progressive leap forward for your favourite lokshin paper and for all the communities of Kathorus and those in the surrounding areas who have been part of our 13-year-old journey of growth.

Following the publication of our very first joint-venture issue last month, we’re proud to say that we’ve received nothing but positive praise from our loyal readers who have taken the time to either call or send us messages of goodwill, wishing us well in this new and exciting venture with the Caxton group.

Without doubt, it’s during moments like these when one finds the pleasure and encouragement from one’s family and friends, well-wishers and even one’s ‘periodical’ enemies who never fail to spot the good things we do for the betterment of the newspaper and for its readers. We are also proud to say that the merger is definitely on track and firing on all cylinders and that it can only grow and produce better results for both the publication and the people of Kathorus.

Without doubt, it is now up to you, the reader, to first ensure that you do receive a copy of your favourite paper on your doorstep with all the interesting and exciting local stories about you and your community. Our objective is to make sure that you continue to be an integral part of the newspaper’s growth and development and that Kathorus MAIL remains your favourite newspaper of choice when it comes to news, events and the people of Kathorus.

Once again, as always, the editor undertakes to ensure that you will continue to read more interesting news in your favourite lokshin newspaper. And, in achieving this, nothing from our side has been compromised in our effort to bring you the latest news, sports and entertainment coverage by our team of committed reporters and photographers.

And remember, for those of you who still can’t get a copy of your latest Kathorus MAIL on your doorstep, the editor is just a phone call away in ensuring that you do not miss your copy. Also, please feel free to drop me a message, either via your smart phone, Twitter, Facebook, fax or email and tell me how you think we can improve the newspaper to cater for your needs.

And as we present you with the second issue of your favourite paper, as the editor, I personally call on each and every one of you to hang in there and enjoy the exciting ride.


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