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Ward 58 leads a successful CPF launch in Katlehong

This is the first time Ward 58 launches CPF structures in all four sectors.

Ward 58 committee and stakeholders launched CPF structures to cater for the entire ward at Greenfield Hall, Katlehong, on September 11.

According to Nontobeko Sihomo, a member of the Ward 58 committee handling the safety portfolio, the launch was a huge success, citing that this is the first time Ward 58 launched CPF structures in all four sectors.

She added community members attended in numbers to welcome the newly elected CPF members.

“We received a donation of 70 branded reflectors and torches that were donated by a local businessman and four radio stations, while local Pakistani shops spoiled CPF members with food donations,” said Sihomo.

She said at least 150 patrollers attended the launch, however, the complete team is 200 patrollers.

“I was appointed to the safety portfolio in the Ward 58 committee on April 5. The challenge I had when I started was immoderate crime activities and community forums claimed to have the capability to solve it,” said Sihomo.

“I have met with three different forums and they are all unknown by Eden Park SAPS,” she continued.

Stakeholders who were part of the CPF launch included the Ward 58 councilor’s office, SANCO, ANC, Thatha Zonke and SACP.

“We must have a meeting with Clr Mfundiso Fodo to come up with strategies to bring stability to the ward because our problems are growing. On the other hand, we have many forums that claim to fight crime yet do not work with the police.”

Sihomo said they needed a structure that will work with the police. As a result, they began searching CPF structures, only to find that they are non-existing.

She said when they approached the CPF chairperson Les Alfreds, he proposed that they find interested people to join the CPF.

“We spread the massage during our public meetings because we used to get questions from the community asking who is supposed to control crime in the ward, as they had a problem with patrollers who forcefully collect money from residents. If you do not cooperate with them, you may become their enemy.”

She emphasised that they wanted something neutral and legit. She further said in this case their only option for them was the CPF, hence they started informing people about it.

“Once they have been voted in, we did a background check because we do not want people that are unknown in the community or wanted criminals.”

She said Alfreds offered them a list of active people who have been reporting to the SAPS from their ward and among them, there were a lot of women who are parents. They were concerned about the violence that broke out at a school in Greenfield.

“Learners were fighting and stabbing each other at school until the CPF intervened. They guard the school and help learners cross the road because we were told that some of the stop signs in the area are drug hot spots.”

Alfreds says crime has decreased significantly since the launch because they have patrollers on the ground.

Community and CPF members who attended the CPF launch at Greenfield Hall on September 11.

“In our policing precinct, we have four sectors. We recently launched in sector one. We are a diverse community, Eden Park is predominantly coloured, Palm Ridge is predominantly Indian and Greenfield is predominantly isiXhosa,” said Alfreds.

“We were affected by crimes such as murders, rape, assault, drugs and assault GBH common because taverns would operate 24 hours, but now they are closing on time.

“In December our crime was high in Sector One. Last year we had four murders in Greenfield. Since the launch, we have had no murders. It tells you that people are patrolling on the ground.”

Present during the launch was Ward 58 Clr Fodo, Eden Park SAPS acting Vispol commander Warrant Officer Beja, together with CPF executive members including CPF chairperson Alfreds, deputy chairperson Prince Seepe, chief commander of patrollers Christopher Sithole and the treasure Nada Nkabi.

Other stakeholders include SANCO, ANC, Thatha Zonke and SACP.

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