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What to know about stopping at night

The Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department shares its guide on stopping for the police late at night when feeling unsafe.

If you are followed by a vehicle, marked or not, with blue flashing lights, and it indicates for you to pull over, particularly at night, it would be wise not to do so if you feel uneasy or are unsure that they are genuine police.

According to the EMPD, it would be wise to indicate that you wish to proceed to a police station or public place before stopping.

“However, you must bear in mind that not stopping for genuine police can immediately escalate the situation and endanger you further if you do not take extreme care to abide by all of the rules laid down. If you follow their instructions properly, there should be no reason for you to panic or to become endangered by legitimate or bogus police,” it stated.

The guidelines provided by the EMPD:

• Stay calm;

• Slow down and turn on your hazards. Extend your right arm out of the window with an outspread hand extended into the air and your forearm at 90° to your shoulder;

• Gesture for them to follow you by moving your forearm forward and back to the upright position. Repeat this action several times;

• Drive at no more than 40km and proceed directly to the closest police station or public place with a CCTV camera in operation, like a service station forecourt;

• Do not drive to your own or your friend’s home. This could endanger you and your loved ones if those following you are not genuine police.

Go to a police station

• If you have a cellphone, call 10111 and tell them that you are being followed and will proceed to the closest police station;

• If you are unsure where the closest police station is, ask the 10111 operator;

• If possible, provide the registration number of the vehicle following you so that it can be established if it is a legitimate police car or not;

• If there are no personnel in sight outside when you arrive at the police station, hoot for long as it takes for someone to come out;

• Remain in your vehicle. Keep the engine running, stay in gear and keep your windows wound up until the police come to you;

• Co-operate fully with the police from that police station and the officers from the vehicle that followed you. Immediately explain that you felt intimidated and therefore proceeded directly to the police station.

Go to a service station

• If you go to a service station, drive onto the forecourt where the pumps and the convenience shop are so that you are in full view of the cameras.

• Co-operate fully with the officers from the vehicle that followed you. Immediately explain that you felt intimidated and therefore proceeded directly to the service station.

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