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How to keep your child safe this festive season

The RECORD recently caught up with Danie Van Loggerenberg from the Child Protection Hotline to find out some safety tips to keep your children safe.


“It is important to be very vigilant as we enter the final weeks of November and then the December school holidays. We are seeing a rise in children that are abducted. We are receiving more and more reports at the Child Protection Hotline of children who are kidnapped,” said Van Loggerenberg.

Van Loggerenberg gave the following tips:

• You need to ensure that you know where your children are at all times

• Do not leave your children alone at home and do not leave your children with strangers

• Do not guess where they are and do not put more responsibility on their shoulders than they can handle so that you know what they are up to

• Look at what online activity they are up to, including what they do on social media and who they communicate with on WhatsApp

It is important to know what to search for and what websites they frequent.

Most children will stop attending school once they finish with exams, with some high school learners writing their final papers next week. That is a very long time for these teenagers to be left on their own.

Try and get a routine set up, including chores. Get them a training programme if possible to keep them busy.

Take interest in their day when you spend time together. If you notice anything strange, please report it.

Do not leave alcohol and cigarettes or large sums of cash for your children. Do not help them develop bad habits.

Do not ignore red flags, including pornographic site visits and inappropriate photos being sent or received. As a parent, you need to be the parent.

As we move closer to 16 Days of Activism for No Violence against Women and Children, it is important to look after your children and protect them.

They have been through a lot due to Covid-19 and the relevant lockdowns and it is your duty as a parent to ensure your children are safe.

Do not allow your children to walk on their own, even if it is only to your local supermarket to buy bread and milk.
Please be careful and look after your children.

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