WATCH: Katlehong residents cast their votes

“This morning I was able to register and vote,” first-time voter Lebogang Moshobane.

As millions of South Africans from various communities are going out to vote Kathorus MAIL went out to the voting stations from Katlehong to find out whether they have voted and how the process unfolded at their voting station.

WATCH: Election observer Jabulane Thabethe says voting is going smooth although people complained about queues in the morning.

Here is what residents had to say:

First-time voter Zola Mthethewa (20) said she was encouraged by her grandmother to cast her vote.

Zola Mthethewa (20)

“I am happy I made my mark and I can say the process was easy and fast, I voted for the ANC my entire family supports the ANC.”

“My wish is for the incoming leaders to build us a library here in Katlehong, we use the Palm Ridge library but it is far when there is no money for transport we have to walk. We also need job opportunities for the youth,” said Mthethewa.

Lebogang Moshobane who is also a first-time voter said she got to the voting station at 8:30 and she was able to cast her vote, although she encountered challenges when she tried to register during the special registration weekend.

Esther Mathebula, Lekgowah Raboroko and Lebogang Moshobane.

“When I first came to Chibirikane Primary School voting station to register I was told I have to register in my ward which is 101.

I did not know where the voting station was I ended not registering.

“This morning I was able to register and vote. I recently moved to this area I am not sure of the challenges in the community yet, but my only concern is Eskom we need a reliable energy supply,” said Moshobane.

Maria Oaki (65) said she arrived at the voting station at 5:40 am, she explained that this is something she has been looking forward to.

Maria Oaki (65)

“We got here in 1992 till date we do not have roads, recently we have been affected by consistent power cuts we need this issues to be addressed. We also need our local clinic to stop making people queue outside for long, even during rainy weathers,” said Oaki.

One of the early birds Mahlatsi Kutumela (32) said they had to wait at least 30 minutes before casting their vote.

Mahlatsi Kutumela (32)

“Besides having to wait for some time before voting I cannot complain because once they started the process was fast.”

“I am voting because I am a soccer coach and our township is facing challenges with sports facilities, we lack spotting facilities and in areas where they are available they are not maintained,” said Kutumela.

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