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Renowned author sets ‘mental slaves free’

Renowned author Veli Ndaba has always been a believer that he is called to ‘set mental slaves free’.

Five years since his first interview with the RECORD and now an established author, Veli Ndaba continues to thrive after having published four well-received books and gaining admiration for his inspirational talks.

Ndaba’s drive is to inspire and empower people to have clarity and discover their purpose to become the best versions of themselves.

The family-oriented father of two considers himself as a ‘neurologist’ who unpacks people’s encounters and provides solutions.

He is an entrepreneur and author of four motivational books titled You Are Born to Win, Your Dream is Calling You, Set Your Soul on Fire and Switch On! He is writing his fifth book which preaches the gospel of personal development, drive, inspiration and self-empowerment.

“Writing these books over these five years was a way of helping others to reach their destinies. Earlier in the years, I found my voice through hard work and self-development. When I talk about mental darkness I have earned that right to talk about it because I have been there and I want to set others free,” said Ndaba.

Setting others free

Ndaba holds a BSc in Management and a national diploma in mechanical engineering from the University of Johannesburg.

Over the years he embarked on a career in the corporate world. Through tirelessness, he soon reached the managerial level. However, he felt something was amiss.

“I did not feel alive. It was as if something was suffocating me and I knew I had to make a change. After all, if we do not move forward, life will just move on without us,” he said.

Established author Veli Ndaba. Photograph: Maria Studios.

Ndaba has a healthy mix of passion and insight into professional and personal development.

In 2011, he started his own business, specialising in corporate training, life and business coaching. He joined the communication and leadership organisation Toastmasters. He eventually became president of his local club and now gives motivational talks across the country.

He wants to use his story and his engineering background to enable people to move from mental darkness to light.

“One thing that influenced my thinking through this journey was that I wanted to be an example of what success is. I have a sad story, but the power of success is about using your story to empower people and generate positive energy,” he said.

For the past years, he said he has reinvented himself, focusing on the path of making the lives of others better.

“There are many things that can plunge you into darkness. For me, it was losing my parents and going through pain and failure. I’m very fortunate that I came out of that place. When I share my story, I make people realise they can be in a dark place, but they can also move into a place of light,” said Ndaba.

He reiterated that he follows the Veli Ndaba Neuro Engineering Effect, a method that reflects fundamental principles of neuroscience and engineering.

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