
Vosloorus club owner loses R200 000 worth of alcohol

“When I went to consult at the Vosloorus SAPS I was not allowed inside at the police station.”

A tavern owner has cried foul play after police raided C-class and seized over R200 000 worth of alcohol on Thursday, February 11.

This was during the Okae Malao law enforcement operation in Vosloorus.

Morgen Mabena was at the premises at the time of the raid as the tavern is being renovated.

“It was 7.40am when the police entered the premises and asked for the operation licence. I told them that the place is not operating and that the keys are with the owner.

“They simply started taking alcohol. I showed them the liquor licence, which was placed on the fridge door inside the store. They said it’s fake. The owner also tried sending them the digital copy but they insisted that they will check the documents once they get to the station,” said Mabena.

Mabena was arrested and charged with contravening the Gauteng Liquor Act. He was held for more than six hours in detention before he was released on bail.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Operation Okae Molao in Vosloorus yields results, over 913 arrested

C-class manager Molefe Nyakale said the police violated his rights because the tavern was not operating as they are still busy with renovations, adding that his business has a licence that is renewed every year.

He questioned the police’s conduct after the police used grinders to open the tavern’s storeroom and a bolt cutter to gain access to alcohol stored in the fridges.

“I was on my way to attend a funeral at Soweto when I got a call to inform me about the raid at the tavern. I had to take a U-turn and return Vosloorus. Unfortunately, the police were already done when I got here,” said Nyakele.

“When I went to the Vosloorus SAPS I was not allowed inside the station. I asked to see the liquor officer but no one was willing to assist me. I had to wait until 4pm when I got my lawyer to intervene, “This is when I found out there was no docket and I was not even allowed to check how my stock was recorded.”

While showing Kathorus Mail the renovations under process at the tavern, Nyakale explained that the tavern has not been operating since the country moved to level three lockdown in December last year.

According to Mabena, the charges were later dropped at Vosloorus magistrate court. He said they were told that the docket will be handed back to the investigating officer and everything will be explained on Monday 15.

“It is not for the first time the police took alcohol from my tavern. This is the third time. I can’t understand why, since I am operating legally.”

He said the business has lost over R400 000 between 2019 and 2021.

“You can imagine how badly this has impacted my finances and means of living,” said Mabena.

The deputy spokesperson of Vosloorus SAPS, Mpumi Nhlapo, did not have detailed information on the case. She made attempts to get the investigating officer to brief the media.

The detective was not available to respond to questions.

ALSO READ: WATCH: Operation Okae Molao in Vosloorus yields results, over 913 arrested

Tavern owner Molefe Nyakale came back to empty shelves at C-class.
Tavern raided while they are busy with renovations.
Police seized alcohol worth over R200 000 at C-class on Thursday, February 11.

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