
Police recover a hijacked silver/grey Mercedes-Benz on N3

Germiston Flying Squad foiled a hijacking along R42 Heidelberg and Nigel Road around 3pm on January 27.

The squad’s Thomas Mabitsela and Sgt Thabiso Machubene were patrolling the N3 freeway at Jacob’s off-ramp when they spotted a suspicious-looking silver/grey Mercedes-Benz on the side of the road with two men standing next to it.

The two men told police they had a mechanical problem but fled towards Bergsig when the police requested to search them.

The police chased the suspects before they disappeared into the residential area.

As they patrol the area, they came across a 58-year-old man along Angelier Street who stopped the police and reported that he was hijacked of his Mercedes.

Police took the victim to the abandoned vehicle along the R42. The victim confirmed that the vehicle belongs to him.

A hijacking case has been reported at Heidelberg Police Station for further investigation.

Police seized a firearm that was hidden underneath the vehicle, no arrests have been made yet. An appeal is made to the community to inform police about the whereabouts of the suspects or the identity of the suspects.

Information can be reported on MySAPSApp, by calling Crime Stop (08600 10111), send an SMS to the Crime Line (32211) or at their nearest police station.

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