Mayor has big dreams for Ekurhuleni

“The City must never stop dreaming. These ambitious dreams which are aimed at transforming our area into one of the most exciting cities in the world,” said Masina.

The Democratic Alliance is not impressed with executive mayor Mzwandile Masina’s State of the City Address.

The DA said the mayor needs to first get the basics right and get the metro operational, then he can begin to dream.

“These empty promises, which never come to fruition, are no help to the struggling and disillusioned residents of Ekurhuleni,” said Alderman Phillip de Lange, DA leader in Ekurhuleni.

He said the mayor keeps on making promises to residents and not delivering on them.

“Masina continued his wild ramblings by promising residents of the metro a Formula One racetrack, Disney Africa and botanical gardens.

“Perhaps these dreams will complement the mayor’s vision of a zoo?” asked de Lange.

He said they are still waiting for some of his dreams to come true.

ALSO READ: Mayor highlights 20 years of achievements

“While the mayor continues to dream of a fantasy land in Ekurhuleni, his other dreams, like the planetarium in Germiston, where construction was meant to begin in 2019, still has not begun,” he said.

The mayor needs to stop looking at the stars and engage with his residents who are crying out for basic services, like refuse removal, running water, houses and sanitation,” said de Lange.

The GCN spoke to the mayor about the dreams he has for the city and if they are ideal for a metro like Ekurhuleni.

“Everything starts with a dream.

“We live through dreams and this will not be the first time I shared a dream with council.

“I dreamt of Ekurhuleni having a university and they laughed at me.

“But look, now we are getting a university and they are proud,” said Masina.

He said the metro must never stop dreaming.

“These ambitious dreams are aimed at transforming our area into one of the most exciting cities of the world,” said Masina.

He said they are inventing the future.

“Disney Africa in the City of Ekurhuleni will serve as a world-class entertainment centre, drastically increasing tourism domestically, while attracting tourists from other African countries and the rest of the world.

“The City has the capacity to implement a project of this nature,” said the mayor.

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He said the Formula One racetrack will create a number of opportunities.

“The nature of this sport calls for technical expertise in the automotive, manufacturing and engineering sectors,” he said.

“This is perfectly aligned to the desired outcomes of the science and technology university, as it will stimulate STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education, securing employment for its alumni and/or graduates.”

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