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[GALLERY + VIDEO]: Local designer and Miss Universe meet

Madira has started working in her new studio at 23 Main Street, Townsview.

MISS Universe pageant might have concluded in 2019; however, Madira Matlala (19), from Townsview is still on cloud nine because of her contribution in the making of the three dresses Zozibini Tunzi donned on that day.

Madira is a third-year student at Fashion Academy Network (FAN) in Rosebank and she was lucky to be chosen by her dean, together with two other students, Onalerona Nakedi and Yolanda Magwaza, to work with Biji La Maison Couture, a South African label, to create the three dresses Miss Universe, Zozibini Tunzi, wore on November 2, last year.

“We went to Biji’s studio where she showed us what to work on. She gave us all the resources we needed and showed us the drawings of the dresses. All three of us had to put our minds to it and start working.

“I remember we worked on the blue dress’ sleeve at first. It had eight colours that had to transition and coordinate. We had the ratio of the dress and not of the sleeve.

“I must say we were scared and overwhelmed by the tasks at hand. Biji guided us all the way and we put our effort to achieve the best,” explained Madira.

It took three weeks for them to complete the sleeve and Madira said they had little or no sleep during those weeks.

The second dress with the beads had to be completed as well and then the third, the black and white Xhosa dress.

This is the dress that made Madira feel great about her hard work.

“When Biji brought the dress to me, she said ‘this is your time to shine’, it was the proudest moment of my life.

“This is the dress that I build my profile on as a fashion designer. I did everything possible to make it great,” she said.

Madira also mentioned that Zozibini was confident that she will win.

“On our third day of working on her dresses she came by and thanked us for helping out with dresses.

“She had a lot of faith. She talked as if she already won Miss Universe.

“Her words of encouragement were also reflected in her speech on November 2, 2019, when she talked about women taking the space in the industry,” noted Madira.

Way forward

Madira has started working in her new studio at 23 Main Street, Townsview, and she already has clients.

She encourages up-and-coming designers to be confident and know what they are doing.

“It is not easy out there, it is not easy to come out and tell people you are a fashion designer because sometimes they don’t take you seriously.

“We must always keep thriving. We all have that break in life (like this one I had).

“Stay true to yourself and make sure you reach your dream you are working towards.”

She is specialising in couture wear for women, garments for special events and she can be reached on madira.dorah@gmail.com, 065 834 8786, Youtube channel: Thee Dorah or on all social media platforms.


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