
Chief whip wishes class of 2019 well

Matrics encouraged to further their education.

The ANC Ekurhuleni caucus wishes the class of 2019 the best in their final examinations.

Chief whip Clr Jongizizwe Dlabathi encouraged the learners to do well and to continue to work hard because education is their only gateway to bigger things.

“We encourage learners to focus because every minute, every hour and every day is important for them.

“They must not despair and seize the opportunity bypassing their matric,” Dlabathi said.


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He also advised learners to consider making the country’s TVET colleges their preferred choice of institution for training and studying.

“South Africa needs skills, such as engineering, boiler making, construction, and other technical skills.

“TVET colleges offer many different courses and all other training that is required to develop the country’s economy,” he said.

“We encourage our learners to equally consider TVET colleges to gain the necessary skills to attain employment or to start their own businesses.”



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Meanwhile, as part of caucus’ community outreach programme, the office of the chief whip adopted Tlakula High School in KwaThema in 2017.

The purpose is to assist the school through academic support to improve its matric performance in mathematics, science, and accounting.

They will take 172 Grade 11 learners to Ekurhuleni East College (KwaThema Campus) as part of an educational tour to expose them to the technical and vocational skills training offered by the institution.

“We strongly believe by ensuring more young people are educated and have acquired necessary skills that they will benefit the municipality and their families through the knowledge and skills they have learned.

“They would then be empowered,” he said.


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