Humula Mobile Spa and Massage donates sanitary pads

As South Africa celebrated Women’s Day on August 9, so did the community of Katlehong as Humula Mobile Spa and Massage and KwaMaseko Upper Deck held an event to celebrate all women.

This event wasn’t just to socialise and celebrate being a woman – it was also a sanitary pad drive.

These two businesses, with the help of two other businesses, AB Westlink Aluminium and Ketani Construction, and the women who attended the event managed to collect approximately 2 000 pads to donate to one of the needy schools in the township.


 A spinning day for women

With the aid of a draw, the school that was selected to receive the donation was Zimeleni Special School in the heart of Katlehong.

Beverley Zitha of Humula Mobile Spa and Massage said: “These four local businesses wanted to encourage other business owners in and around the community to lend a helping hand to the very schools educating our future leaders. If we as the community cannot take care of our own, who will take care of them?”

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