What should you do if you are attacked

Seven Arrow Security offers women safety tips.

Unfortunately, we live in an increasingly violent society where such crimes are a reality.

In this day and age, Seven Arrow Security believes it is vital for women to lift their heads out of the sand and pay attention to what is going on around them.

“Your personal safety is your number one priority and therefore it is vital for all women to know how to keep themselves safe when out in public places,” said Jason Mordecai, chief operating officer of Seven Arrow Security.


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The company offered seven useful tips on how to keep safe when out and about:

1. Awareness is self-defence

Being aware of your surroundings is ultimately one of the best self-defence mechanisms one could have – distraction is what attackers count on and if you are aware, this will most definitely make your attacker less likely to be able to take advantage.

Trust your instincts. Your intuition does not lie.

If you feel something does not seem right, walk the other way and remove yourself from the situation and remember to always report suspicious activity to your security company and the SAPS.

2. Make eye contact

Let others know you have noticed and seen them. It is harder for someone to surprise you if they know you have seen them.

3. Find your travel buddy

Don’t go alone to places such as parks and cemeteries. Rather ask a friend or a family member to go with you.

4. Don’t isolate yourself

Choose an area that is well-populated and frequently used.

Avoid solitary areas, especially highly vegetated areas that prevent you from visually assessing movement around you.

Situate yourself in a location where you can easily spot danger


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5. Rules rule

Set some ground rules for your children.

Explain where they may and may not go; create a visual perimeter.

Nominate a rendezvous point in case they get lost and give them a verbal command that means they must come back to you immediately.

6. Leave your valuables at home

People without valuables present a much smaller target to opportunistic criminals.

7. Be social media savvy

Do not update your every location on social media platforms. Too much information on your whereabouts makes you an easy target for criminals.

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