Stranger danger – how well do you know the people you give your address to?

Community mebers advised not to share their address with everyone.

We are all taught the dangers of talking to strangers from a young age, yet we so easily and readily give complete strangers our address and details for our homes be it for online shopping or paid taxi services.

Seven Arrows Security believes personal security needs to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds and although giving out your address in some circumstances is a necessity, community members still need to know the dangers of doing so.


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“Recently a client called in a suspicious incident which took place inside a paid taxi while two school children were getting a lift home,” said Jason Mordecai, the chief operating officer of Seven Arrow Security.

“One of the children felt uneasy and reportedly saw that the driver had sent their address to someone else.

“He immediately alerted his mother and subsequently security officers were alerted to the scene, thankfully this turned out to be a false alarm, but the dangers are still very real.”

The security company urges all residents to be aware of these types of threats.

“Be alert and wary when giving strangers details of where you live, times you are home and any personal information they can use as an opportunity to take advantage,” Mordecai said.


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This includes online safety.

“It is vital to teach your children that the 16-year-old person they have connected with online may not be a 16-year-old.

“An important question to ask is have you or anyone else you know ever met this person other than online?” said Mordecai.

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