Danisile’s Children Home needs support

After retiring from South African Airways (SAA) where she worked as a flight attendant, Sishange developed a vision of starting an organisation that will provide food and clothes to needy children in the Kathorus community.

Danisile Sishange (62), the founder of Danisile’s Children Home based in Mfundo Park, Vosloorus, told Kathorus MAIL the NPO is in need of financial support.

To make her vision a reality, she registered her NPO in 2016, hoping she was going to get a little bit of assistance from the government. Unfortunately, until now she could not get it running because she lacked funding and a proper place to run it from.

However, this did not stop her from doing something good for her community.

Since 2016, Sishange decided to adopt 250 children from different destitute backgrounds, especially informal settlements such as Woolf, Vlakplaas and Zonkizizwe informal settlements.


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“I assist these children by giving them food and clothes. I also assist other elderly people from the same communities. What makes me sad is that I can’t afford to give them food every day. This sometimes gives me sleepless nights, as I imagine how these children survive during those days when I am unable to give them food.

“There is a time when I imagine them going to bed without a plate of food. That is why I am in need of support,” said Sishange.

She said she has a vision of getting a place where she’ll have all the children under one roof and give them a decent meal every day.

Sishange told Kathorus MAIL Ward 95 Clr Khehla Madlala promised her an abandoned place that, according to her, Madlala claimed was privately owned.

“Madlala promised, during our meeting in February, to speak to the owner on my behalf, but nothing has happened yet.”

Madlala said it is out of his hands to decide whether Sishange gets the place or not.

“It is up to the Department of Social Development to speak to the private owner on behalf of Sishange. What I can do on my side is to make recommendations and then facilitate the process. The officials from the department are busy engaging with the owner. Sishange will be informed of the outcome,” said Madlala.


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Currently, the NPO survives on donations of food and clothing from Pick n Pay, Boxer Super Stores and good Samaritans from different communities.

If anyone wants to help Sishange they can contact her on 072 221 2522. She said any donation, like food, finances or clothes, would be appreciated.

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