
Blaring music equals sleepless nights for Primrose residents

Loud music from the informal settlements is causing sleepless nights for residents.

Many residents in Primrose are purportedly still going sleepless on the weekends due to loud music emanating from the informal settlements in the area.

The GCN highlighted the residents’ plight at the beginning of February when Johan La Grange, a resident in the area, contacted the newspaper.

Since the article, the noise problem has not improved, even with the assurance of the EMPD that regular monitoring of the situation would take place.

A Wolff Avenue resident told the GCN that the problem has become worse.

He has reported the loud music coming from the informal settlements numerous times to the EMPD, but nothing whatsoever gets done about the problem.

He said he is at his wits’ end and said that he cannot get any sleep once the music starts blaring at the start of a weekend.

La Grange said, “The EMPD only did patrols the weekend after the publication of the article.

“Thereafter it was business as usual every weekend.

“This past weekend was one of those extraordinary ones where the noise really went up far into Dawnview.

“Realistically, phoning the EMPD or SAPS is just a formality for them to use in their stats to look busy.”

Pieters added, “I have tried all possible avenues.

“I’m ready to sell and move and I need to sleep.”

Wendy Morgan, Ward 36 councillor, suggested that an urgent meeting be called with the leaders of the informal settlements to address the loud music coming from the areas.

“When the music first started last weekend, residents complained to the EMPD and it was brought under control,” she said.

“However, at 2.30am it started again and could be heard all over Primrose.

“There needs to be another approach to this problem and I think the leaders in the informal settlements need to come on board.”

Read full story here.

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