A parent’s appeal to government to save drug addicts

Dear Mr Editor, Kindly allow me to raise my views and express my concerns about the growing number of young people abusing drugs in the townships.

We all know the negative and detrimental effects drugs have on our youth, and how this affects communities where these drug addicts live. Firstly, crime becomes a huge issue, and judging by the reaction of angry communities against crimes committed by drug addicts, this put their lives in danger.

I think it is time the government stepped in to render assistance where it is needed by establishing facilities to deal with the problem of drug addiction. The government and society cannot expect pensioners who raise many of these young dugs addicts to afford the high cost of placing their addicted grandchildren in drug rehabilitation facilities with the pitifully low monthly pension grants they earn.


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By placing young addicts in a controlled environment, that alone increases the addicts’ chance of quitting the habit. But because most parents and guardians cannot afford the high drug rehabilitation costs, many young addicts simply lose hope and immerse themselves further into drugs.

Parent of a nyaope addict

Shongweini Section


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