Khayelihle Primary learners proud of donated school shoes

Khayelihle Primary School in Vosloorus donated dozens of school shoes to underprivileged learners at the school.

The donation was made on the school premises on April 19.

Queen Twala, the school principal, was excited. “It is a big deal and it means a lot to the children and the school as such,” she said.

Twala went on to explain the procedure they had followed to select learners who benefitted on the day.

“Firstly, teachers went to classes to assess all learners who are in need. They selected those who came to school with torn shoes. Beside teachers going from class to class, they could tell who needed shoes by looking at how learners in the yard were dressed.

“Secondly, a school data base system was used. The database revealed whether the child is from a child-headed family or is being raised by a single parent and whether that single parent is employed or not. Those are the learners we selected,” said Twala.

She thanked the Reformed Lutheran Church from Vosloorus that had collected the shoes, as well as the uniform committee from the school, for the wonderful job they had done.

The church collected uniforms from its members on February 3 and donated them to the school.

Like Twala, the school teacher who is also the coordinator of school uniform committee, Setati Monica, thanked members of the Reformed Lutheran Church.

“They had done a lot to retain the dignity of our children. We as black people come from disadvantaged backgrounds so this donation to these children means a lot,” she said.

In conclusion, Monica pleaded with people who would like to donate to their school, to offer any kind of donation.

Ayanda Zwane (13), who is in Grade Seven, is one of the beneficiaries being raised by a single parent.

“My mother is working but is not doing a job that pays well. She can’t afford to supply everything that I need, especially my school needs, so this donation means a lot to me and to the rest of us who have benefitted from the kindness of the Reformed Lutheran Church,” said Zwane.

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