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Dangers of domestic violence

A non-profit organisation called Umusa Wanele under the church High Praise Centre in Thokoza held a special ceremony at Kathorus Children and Family Centre Hall on Wednesday, March 21, to discuss domestic violence-related issues.

The event was held in line with Human Rights Day celebrations.

Nosipho Skosana, the coordinator at Umusa Wanele and organiser of the event, said the purpose of the day was to provide solutions to domestic violence.

“We have noticed that people, especially women and children, are abused and they do not break the silence. So we want them to be aware of the available options for them in case they become victims of abuse,” said Skosana.

Speakers Sinethemba Booi from Thokoza Youth Crime Prevention and Kgalamelo Masiloane, a senior administration clerk at Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court, were there to offer advice to community members who attended the event.

Masiloane said domestic violence perpetrators are protected by victims because they are breadwinners.

“As a result they get away with abuse,” said Masiloane.

She said victims must break the silence because they are the ones who are in pain.

“You must not suffer in silence. Speak out if you are being abused. Do not expect that the perpetrator will change,” she said.

She added that other people want to report abuse in their marriages but their family members advised them not to open cases.

“Honestly, it is wrong to allow your family members to stop you from reporting the perpetrators because you are the one who will suffer the end result of abuse and who is in pain. Your family members cannot feel the pain you feel,” said Masiloane.

She advised people to get a protection order.

“If you are afraid of your abusive husband, boyfriend or uncle, your solution will the protection order. It will protect you,” she said.

She went on to offer advice to people who are harassed by SMS.

“If you are harassed by someone who always sends you messages on your phone and you do not know who it is, you can still go the local police station to open the case.

“The police will investigate and find the owner of the number.”

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