Measles outbreak warning in Ekurhuleni

Ekurhuleni’s health department has urged parents to ensure that their children have been vaccinated against measles.

This is after 21 cases of measles were reported in the Actonville area, near Benoni, between July and August.

The city is rolling out an emergency measles vaccination campaign in all its primary healthcare facilities.

As part of the campaign, children under the age of five will either be vaccinated or receive a booster dose.

Measles is a highly contagious disease that spreads from one person to another through contact with bodily fluids – such as saliva or mucus.

Measles can be fatal in small children.

An infected person can easily spread the infection when they sneeze or cough.

Members of the community are urged to seek medical assistance immediately should their child (or an adult) in the family shows the following symptoms:



*Conjunctivitis (red eyes)

*Runny nose

Most people will only notice the measles after a period of at least three days, when they see a blotchy, flat red rash. It usually starts behind the ears and then spreads to the face, body, arms and legs.

The rash may or may not be itchy.

Please seek medical attention immediately as soon as you notice these signs in yourself or in your child.

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