Potion ‘keeps livestock from roaming’

Seventy-one-year-old retired long-distance truck driver Thomas Kgadile Mathomane is calling on all cattle, goat and sheep owners around Kathorus to take him up on his offer to help them protect their livestock from thieves.

Thomas told Kathorus MAIL that his reason for going public with his anti-stock theft drive was sparked by the horrendous stock theft stories that he read about in the local daily tabloids.

“In one such instance, a herd of cattle were stolen from the owner’s kraal at night and in the morning he found only a few left, all of them with their hind legs sawn off, bleeding and unable to move,” recalled Thomas.

“To me this was the worst evil any livestock thief can do to anyone’s animals,” lamented the former Vosloorus truck driver, who said that it was in fact this particular incident that reminded him of the lessons he learnt from the Hottentots in the Kalahari Desert during his trucking days.

“I became so close to them, they ended up treating me as if I was one of their own,” explained Thomas.

He who went on to describe how an elder in a Hottentot family later shared with him the secret of the magic anti-poaching formula which he says he now wants to share with cattle owners in Kathorus.

And to prove that he is serious about his anti-stock theft potion, Thomas shared with Kathorus MAIL the contact numbers of several of his cattle-owner clients in the Free State and northern KZN, who also attested to his magical claims.

Thomas said he still holds the Hottentots in high regard because of their vast and deep knowledge about nature and life in general. He explained how the culture and value system of the Hottentots of the Kalahari made a lasting impression on his life.

Asked to explain how his anti-poaching potion works, Thomas said, once fed the mixture, livestock will no longer forage away from home. And when the sun sets, they will return home on their own.

Born into a family of medicinal healers, Thomas described himself as once “a curious young man” who was always interested in what his grandfather was doing. “I began to learn to understand different healing herbs which my grandparents used to heal those who came to him to be healed of their various ailments,” recalled Thomas.

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