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Don’t ruin your life with a sugar daddy

If not all, most girls love money, beautiful clothes, expensive weaves, riding in flashy cars and all the nice and fancy things that make life exciting for some.


But if you cannot afford a fancy life style does it mean you must have a sugar daddy?

No. A sugar daddy will give you a beautiful life that will not last long because he doesn’t love you and he is using you for his selfish reasons.

A relationship with a sugar daddy won’t last long because he has a target he has to move to other girls.

Most sugar daddies are married and they will never leave their families for you.

He will make empty promises and give you a horrible gift of a fatherless child, or even a disease, low self-esteem or a heartbreak that will live you thinking of ending your life.

Why ruin your life by having a sugar daddy?

Why ruin your relationship with your parents because of a sugar daddy?

No parents will be happy when their child is sleeping with an older man or any men for that matter.

Would you be happy to see your own father with a girlfriend of your age? No.

Young people (boys and girls) should know that you are the architect of your own life it is either you build your life or you break it.

Everything has its own time, wait for the right time and meanwhile go to school and be a decent person.



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