
New allegations surface in Senzo murder mystery

A source linked to the SAPS, and who has asked for his identity not to be disclosed, has hinted that the ongoing police investigations around the mysterious murder of former national soccer star Senzo Meyiwa may have unravelled additional details in the two and half-year-old unsolved murder case.


Refusing to delve into details, the man, who has colleagues who are linked to the investigation, secretly spoke of the toll the case has caused the image of the South African Police Service in the eyes of country’s law-abiding citizens. The man told Kathorus MAIL that he believes the on-going police probe in the case could add another dimension of public speculation about the investigations that have dragged-on for almost two and half-years while detectives battle to put the puzzling aspects of the murder case together.

According to the source, the controversial murder of the national soccer star in October of 2013 may have been more than just another ordinary township house-robbery. The source claims the police could have stumbled across evidence which suggests that Senzo’s death may have been a “hit” that could have been intended for someone else among the six other people who were with the murdered soccer star on the night of his death.

“Instead, in a twist of fate, Senzo Meyiwa ended up being the unfortunate victim of an assassin’s misdirected bullet in a murder hit that went awry,” said the source, who also believes the cops could in fact crack the Senzo Meyiwa murder case sooner rather than later this year.

However, the source refused to go into details because the case is still under police investigation.

But, he however cautiously explains that police investigators could be focussing on the possibility that the bullet that ended Senzo’s life may have been intended for someone else among the group of people who were having dinner at the house that evening.

The source went on to point out that the latest “hit” theory was first “collaborated” by the same handful of dinner guests who were with Senzo inside the house when the robbers stormed in.

“These are the same people who told the police at the time of the investigations that Senzo was shot while “shielding” Kelly from one of the armed gunmen during the attack,” explained the source.

According to the source, “This seems to confirm that the celebrated former Orlando Pirates and Bafana-Bafana soccer hero could have been shot by mistake as he may not have been the intended target of the fatal gunshot that ended his life that fateful night.”

The source further told Kathorus MAIL that this aspect of the case could bring investigators closer to concluding their probe into the long, two-year-old murder mystery that has not only frustrated police investigators, but agitated the emotions of the slain soccer star’s family and fans, and aroused the interest of a curious and unrelenting public.

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