Ikusasalethu Primary girls receive sanitary pads

Teenage girls from Ikusasalethu Primary School in Extension 28, Vosloorus, received sanitary pads from the local Methodist Church’s women.

VOSLOORUS – As part of their mentoring and educational programme, the women, wearing their red and white Methodist Church uniform, sat with the teenage girls as if they were their own daughters and gave them advice about cleanliness and general personal hygiene before handing out sanitary pads.

By the time nurse Zandile Gaga had finished her hygiene talk, there was no doubt in the eyes of these young ladies that their Saturday afternoon had been well-spent.

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Gaga, emphasised the importance of cleanliness to the girls and urged those who have no mother-figures at home to speak to the teacher and the principal about their problems instead of bottling it up.

“I welcome the interaction because some of these girls are orphans and don’t have mother-figures at home”, said the school’s principal Kabonina “Tukkie” Mabanga.

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Since opening its doors in 2012, Ikusasalethu Primary School has grown from 854 learners to just over 1 348 this year.

“Our pass rate speaks volumes about our standard of education, together with the discipline and education we provide to our learners,” added Mabanga.

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