Local school wishes their table tennis star good luck

Teachers and non-teaching staff from Tshabalala Primary School in Katlehong wish their table tennis star good luck.

Basetsana Moopi (12) is a rising table tennis star who left on May 18 to represent the school and Gauteng Central Table Tennis Association (GCTTA) at the Arnold Classics Africa 2018 Multi Sport Fesival and Expo Souverin Programme (in honour of Arnold Schwarzenegger) at the Sandton Conventional Centre.

Speaking to Kathorus MAIL on the day of departure, Moopi who started playing table tennis at the age of eight said she is more than excited.

“I can’t even describe the feeling,” she said. “This is an opportunity I have been longing for a very long time. Not everyone gets opportunities like this one.

“I would like to thank my parents and teachers for the ongoing support they have given to me. There were times where they left everything and came with me to tournaments to give me moral support,” Moopi recalled.

She went on to add that she was very well prepared.

“I am going there to win,” said a proud Moopi. “I am going there knowing that I have my reputation to protect and my teachers’ who will accompany me. I do not want to disappoint them. I want them, my parents and the GCTTA to be proud of me,” said Moopi.

Rebecca Lukhele, the deputy principal of the school and the provincial secretary of the School Sports Committee, said they are happy and lucky to have a child like Moopi.

“She puts our school on the map. What Moopi is doing is a good indication that we are doing a good job as a school, both academically and in extramural activities,” said Lukhele.

She added that the school is giving Moopi all the support she needs to become a world’s best table tennis star.

“She has all the qualities to go all the way and be one of the best in the world because she is very humble,” Lukhele told Kathorus MAIL.

Lukhele went on to describe her as the smartest child academically.

“Her academic performance and intelligence have her chosen as a class monitor, as well as head girl of the school.

“Each and every year she represents the school in national competitions and she does well at all of them,” concludes Lukhele.

Moopi said she wants the school and the whole of Kathorus to be proud of her.

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