
What message are you delivering?

What are you all about in this world?

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln.

If you were a book, what would your title be? We all have a message to deliver in this world and the sooner you believe that and act according to it, your life will start taking some shape.

Your life is an expression of what you believe your assignment is. Life itself is about self-discovery which simply means discovering that which you are meant to do based on your natural abilities.

We all have something that we find easier to figure out compared to others.

What are the things that you’ve been and are still complimented when you do them? Things that you wonder why other people find difficult to do while you find them easy to do.

We all receive compliments on certain things we do, what are they for you?

You see, those are the clues that should guide us in deciding where to invest our time and energy. Once we’ve figured out these clues, we are then able to formulate our life’s purpose and that’s when we find meaning in our lives.

Meaning is that feeling that our lives matter and this further gives us the reason to look forward to tomorrow. That’s what I mean when I say, “Specificity creates clarity.”

We need to identify specific things since we only have limited time and energy daily. To maximise your life means to focus on a few things and invest most of your time and energy in those things which yield the greatest results.
Unfortunately, most people swing from one thing to the next without them pausing and asking themselves that great question, “What am I about?” What is your message to the world?

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