
Common robbery on the rise in Katlehong

Although common robbery is a problem for residents in Katlehong, the police assured that they will continually make sure the community obliges with the law.

The Katlehong North SAPS December festive season operations led to the arrest of 106 suspects for crimes ranging from murder, assault common and non-compliance with the Disaster Management Act.

Other crimes included assault with the intention to inflict grievous body harm, armed robbery, the pointing of a firearm, possession of drugs, theft, malicious damage to property, shoplifting and fraud.

The police closed three liquor outlets and confiscated liquor following non-compliance by owners for selling liquor without a valid licence.

In a separate incident, the station reported several common robberies whereby suspects target community members and rob them of their cellphones.

According to Capt Lesetja Mathobela, spokesperson of Katlehong North SAPS, the police faced a challenge with cellphone robberies during the festive holidays. Mathobela said cases of this nature are difficult to solve because more often the victim cannot identify suspects.

“This is because the victims are usually scared while their rights are being infringed by criminals. It is also because some criminals would snatch the device and run-off before anyone could see them,” said Mathobela.

Mathobela urged residents to report crime.

“The police of Katlehong North will continually make sure the community oblige with the law and lockdown regulations,” he added.

The station commander, Col Raymond Buthelezi, urged the public to be vigilant and report any criminal activities.
Report crime to Katlehong North SAPS on 072 5647 446, 011 9600 001, 019 600 020 or stop crime 0800 10111.

Safety tips

• Wrap your handbag around your hand. This will help in the case of snatch and grabs.

• When travelling at night, use well-lit and busy streets to avoid being targeted by criminals.

• Do not hitch-hike or accept lifts from strangers.

• While walking try to face oncoming traffic.

• Beware of people asking for information or offering you goods, maintain a safe distance.

Katlehong North SAPS closed three liquor outlets for non-compliance and for selling liquor without a valid licence.

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