Seven signs you may need help for gambling

Betting on games of chance or ‘taking a flutter on the horses’ is harmless fun for most people; however, it is important to be aware of the warning signs that could indicate a gambling use disorder.

Psychiatrist Dr Mike West, who practises at Akeso Milnerton, said when people lose control over their gambling habits, it can be as addictive and destructive as using drugs.

“It is important to note the vast majority of people who gamble do so for fun. Those who develop a gambling compulsion may be unable to acknowledge when they have lost control of their habit, which is often fuelled by the vain hope of a ‘big win’ to resolve gambling debts or to try and win back money that was meant for other obligations such as a home loan but was instead spent on gambling,” said West.

“There seems to be a prevailing false belief that gambling addiction is not ‘real’ or serious enough to warrant intervention, whereas nothing could be further from the truth. Uncontrolled gambling use disorder can have devastating consequences for individuals and families; however, professional help is available and it is never too soon or too late to reach out,” he noted.

“For people who gamble regularly, it is advisable to reflect honestly on your relationship with this pastime, and it may be helpful to consider this in light of the following seven questions, which identify potential warning signs of a gambling use disorder.”

• Do you conceal the extent of your gambling?
• Do you gamble to escape from life’s problems?
• Are you making increasingly larger bets, either in an attempt to make up for losses or a thrill?
• When you aren’t gambling, do you feel irritable or depressed?
• Do you ‘crave’ gambling or spend a lot of time thinking about gambling?
• Have you had difficulties in the workplace because of gambling?
• Is your gambling negatively affecting your interpersonal relationships with family or friends?

“If these questions resonate with your experience, I would recommend an in-depth assessment for gambling use disorder so that if there is a concern, it can be addressed. It is most important to note there is no judgement in the process of assessment or treatment of mental health conditions, including gambling use disorder.

“Once an individual develops an addiction to gambling, it becomes increasingly difficult for them to refrain from this addictive behaviour without professional support. The features of gambling use disorder are almost identical to those of a drug addiction.

Even though it is no longer fun, and despite numerous psycho-social problems related to their addiction, people in this position will not – or cannot – stop themselves from gambling,” he explained.

According to West, the National Responsible Gambling Programme (NRGP) offers an online self-assessment and a free service to assist individuals and families grappling with gambling use disorder.

“Therapy for gambling use disorder may involve counselling, psychotherapy and medication, if necessary. Although it may not be easy to break free from gambling use disorder, it is achievable particularly with support from experienced mental health professionals.”

West noted Akeso Milnerton and other mental health facilities in the Akeso network offer out-patient treatment for gambling use disorder, except where the individual requires in-patient treatment for another co-morbid mental health condition, such as depression or bipolar disorder, or a substance use disorder.

“People who are problem gamblers are more likely to present with other mental health difficulties or with substance dependence, than for gambling use disorder itself. Often the gambling problem is only uncovered during the consultations for another condition; however, we would like to encourage anyone concerned about their gambling to seek help in addressing it as soon as possible.

“There is no point in chasing yesterday’s losses because in a game of chance there are no winners in the long run – only those who lose less,” West concluded.

The NRGP can be reached on 0800 006 008, or for more information about the free support programme visit

*Issued by MNA on behalf of Akeso Clinics.

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