Sesi stands up to woman abuse

When she realised how empowering it was to take back her life, she decided to start WEEO.

SESI Moloantwa, like many other women, has been in an abusive relationship in the past, but despite the difficulty of leaving, she knew she could not live with the daily fear anymore.

In 2014 she started the still-unofficial non-profit organisation, Women Empowering Each Other (WEEO), to support and empower women who are or have been in similarly abusive relationships, and give them the courage to walk away from it.

Sesi (32) was born in the (formerly known as) Natalspruit Hospital. Today, she lives in Alberton North and is a stay-at-home mom to two children, which will soon be four as she is expecting twins.

She had her first two children with her ex-husband, to whom she was married for 10 years. During this marriage, Sesi went through various stages of abuse, which started off subtly.

“It’s like these little things that he would do or say that is made off to seem as if he only cares about me and is attentive of what I do,” said Sesi.

However, Sesi added that, as the years progressed, things only got worse, less subtle and it was clear that her husband wanted control over her life. As simple as the solution might seem, to walk away, it was an extremely difficult decision for Sesi to make after 10 years of marriage and two children.

“Everyone thought we were a happy family and never suspected what was going on behind closed doors,” she said.“I knew that if I ever left him, it would bring shame upon me and my children since nobody ever knew about the abuse before.”

Take my life back

Thankfully though, after 10 years, Sesi finally left. She finally became her old self again – a happy, outgoing woman who loves meeting new people and experiencing different things. When she realised how empowering it was to take back her life, she decided to start WEEO.

WEEO has a vision to teach women the subtle signs of emotional abuse, to support women who have or are going through abuse and to host events to raise awareness about women and child abuse.

Her biggest goal with this organisation is that it will eventually develop into a centre of sisterhood and trust, where any woman can feel relaxed and welcome to spill their hearts out in confidence with women who can understand and empathise.

“Obviously, this is a cause close to my heart,” said Sesi.

“My passion in life now is to change the mindsets of women and young girls and that they don’t need a man in their lives to be complete. That they can do things for themselves and be independent of men.”

Sesi would like to encourage women reading this: “Be self-motivated and be confident in yourself. Take care of your mind, body and spirit and you’ll feel amazing and love yourself. If you are confident, you can do anything. Lastly, always look at the bright side of a situation.”

First seminar

One of WEEO’s first seminar events is coming up on Saturday, August 18 at the Phola Park Hall. It will start at 1pm and carry on until 6pm. The dress code will be black and gold. An entrance fee of R200 per person will be asked, which will cater for goodie bags and refreshments that will be provided.

If you’re interested in attending this seminar, perhaps to celebrate Women’s Month with your lady friends, please contact Sesi on 061 882 2949 or Tee on 062 481 0483 before August 11 to RSVP.

Anyone who would like to become a sponsor for Sesi’s cause is more than welcome to contact her as well.

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