
March against abuse held in Katlehong

A march against the abuse, beating, rape and killing of women and children was held in Katlehong on Wednesday, June 14.

Members from many non-profit organisations and government departments attended the march.

Some of the men wore lipstick and covered their heads with doeks, like women, to show their support.

One of the organisers, Mphihiseng Lephoto, who spoke on behalf of Katha Drop-in Centre, said enough is enough.

“As an organisation that works with children, we are here to show our support and also to fight for the rights of our children.

“We are working hand in hand with other organisations to make this campaign a success. We will keep on doing so until our small voice is heard by the perpetrators. And we won’t stop until we win. We say no to rape or any other kind of abuse against women and children,” said Lephoto.

Themba Mkhize, from Child-Line Gauteng, said they are tired of seeing the continuous abuse of women.

“If you abuse a woman, you indirectly abuse a child, because a mother is very important to a child.

“It is even worse if you take the life of a woman,” said Mkhize.

The march began outside Ekurhuleni West College and soon the protesters had blocked the busiest road in Katlehong – Sontonga Road.

Next they stopped at Assemblies of God church, in Silumaview, Katlehong, where the station commander of Katlehong police station, Brig Phumla Mdlankomo, delivered her speech.

Mdlankomo said the senseless killing of women and children must come to an end.

“As SAPS Katlehong we will deal with these cases in a professional manner. Once the cases are reported, we are going to leave no stone un-turned to investigate and arrest the perpetrators.

“Those perpetrators who have already had cases opened against them should know that we are one step ahead of them. Very soon they will be arrested and put behind bars,” said a hard-working and dedicated Mdlankomo.

She added, “Those who know of perpetrators and victims must report the matter to us, so that we can intervene.

“The community must know that the police can’t do anything alone. We need them to assist in the fight against crime, especially gender-based violence. I appeal to the community to join their sector forums, to help us fight crime together.”

She thanked all the stakeholders who came out in support of the march.

Delivering his speech on behalf of the church members, Bishop Madoda Sibeko of Sufficient Grace Ministries, in Katlehong, said pastors are against the abuse of women and children.

“The word of God says men, as the head of the household, must protect and love their families and not abuse them,” said Sibeko.

He said men who abuse women and children need prayers.

“If they want our prayers, they must come forward and we will pray for them,” Sibeko said.

Bheki Kubheka, from the Department of Community Safety, and who is also a member of Men as Safety Promoters (MASP), said MASP’s role is to discourage the abuse of women and children.

“We want rapists and fathers who abuse women and children to know that we will not tolerate their actions,” said Kubheka.

The non-profit organisations and government departments whose members took part in the march were: Lotsha Support Group, Katha Drop-in Centre, Katlehong CPF, Katlehong SAPS (Ramokonope), the Department of Social

Development, Katlehong Women Forum, Siphuthando, #Enough is Enough, Tiyang Basadi, Community Development Workers, Ekurhuleni Emergency (Katlehong fire station), the Metro Police Response Unit (South Alberton),

the Department of Community Safety, Ekupholeni Mental Health Centre, Inqaba Yokulinda Youth Organisation, the Youth Crime Prevention Desk and Khanya Family Centre.

They were joined on the march by members of the community.

Also Read: How to spot and prevent abuse

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