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Start super networking your business today

Hirsch’s Meadowdale holds networking morning.

There was a lot of excitement at the Hirsch’s Meadowdale branch recently with local business people and entrepreneurs from the community getting together for Hirsch’s monthly Business Networking morning.

“Steve Schwartz, who is active in various sectors of the SA business environment, spoke on the topic Super Networking Your Business,” said Hirsch’s Meadowdale public relations officer Chantelle du Plessis.

Steve Schwartz (guest speaker) and Chantelle du Plessis (Hirsch’s Meadowdale public relations officer) at the recent Hirsch’s Meadowdale Business Networking event.

“Steve said networking is vital in today’s modern world as it gives us a reason to be consistently communicating, managing and recognising what is important and what is trivial.”

So what is super networking in today’s modern world about?
• Digital media – a paperless presence.
• Social media – letting everyone know what and how.
• Multi-level presence – several digital platforms.
• Multi-zone presence – different message types on different platforms.

If you would like to join the Hirsch’s Meadowdale Business Networking mornings contact Chantelle by emailing to chantelled@hirschs.co.za or call 010 822 2050.



Brightening their smiles, Mandela style



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