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ANC Caucus appreciates SIU report

The ANC Caucus appreciated and welcomed the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) report which was tabled at the council meeting held on February 21.

Council was afforded the opportunity to engage the content of the official report without speculations, but facts.

The ANC Caucus expressed itself in that the SIU is an important institution that contributes to the protection of our democracy and in fostering good governance. That we welcome every effort that seeks to investigate any serious malpractices.


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We, therefore, viewed the SIU report as a tool we must use to of re-evaluate and restrengthen our internal controls and governance systems, in order to prevent the reoccurrence of similar inadequacies as pointed out by the report.

We re-iterated our call to fight against maladministration, fraud and corruption, for it is our collective responsibility to ensure that good governance is upheld. To the extent that where there are conclusive recommendations, we must act.

Companies that were recommended to be placed under the National Treasury’s database of restricted service providers must clear themselves through a set process.

As a lesson and in future, the ANC Caucus placed it on record that anyone found to have deliberately influenced tenders for self-enrichment must receive appropriate sanction.

We also called upon for stronger administrative oversight in respect of services rendered by meter-reading companies in general. In some instances, poor and/or inaccurate meter reading is a course for the wrong disconnection.

We noted the finding on a deviation relating to the 2010 World Cup, which was found not to have complied with the Supply Chain Management Policy.


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Although the necessary approvals were granted, including Council condonement (something which is not unusual), we called upon the administration to ensure we always strive to conform with the Supply Chain Management Policy and Municipality Finance Management Act.

In general, we are pleased that Council dealt with the report substantively and the matter was concluded in line with Council dictates.

As the ANC Caucus, we will closely monitor the implementation of the conclusive recommendations as per the SIU report, for our commitment to clean administration and good governance is a standing.

Issued by ANC Ekurhuleni Caucus

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