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Community builder Molekwa reaches out to a needy family

Speaking to the founder of Life 4 U Foundation, Simon Molekwa, the visit was part of the poverty alleviation drive to make sure that the widows, orphans and most impoverished families are not deprived of human dignity and the right to live a happy decent life.

In support of World Food Day on October 16, Life 4 U Foundation visited the Mhlanga family of Umthambeka Section to donate food parcels.

The founder of the Life 4 U Foundation Simon Molekwa said the visit was part of the poverty alleviation drive to make sure that the widows, orphans and most impoverished families are not deprived of human dignity and enjoy the right to live happy decent lives.

“Access to food is a human right and as a human race all people must join hands to ensure no one in our communities sleeps on an empty stomach,” said Molekwa.

The beneficiary, Alice Mhlanga, is a single grandmother who is taking care of 12 grandchildren including orphans from her relative.

“The small income she receives is not making an impact to ensure that the family has a decent living. Some of the children are not receiving any grants to support them. Many people and officials have visited the family and promised to help, but they disappear after their visits,” added Molekwa.

Molekwa said they were contacted by a neighbour of the family for support on October 14.

“At the Life 4 U Foundation we strive to help and build our communities with the aim of caring for needy families. Whenever we are contacted with a serious case of people needing food, we don’t waste time. We assess the situation and immediately help if the situation needs intervention. In this regard, we only assist with momentary support in the form of food donations, but if it involves widows or orphans we then help on a quarterly basis,” explains Molekwa.

He emphasised that his wish is to see poverty-free communities. Molekwa is pleading with the community of Tembisa to care for one another.

“We need to go back to basics when Ubuntu was prevalent. People must stop hating each other and resist gossiping about their neighbours. Township gossip has caused lots of damage in our communities, leading to people hating one another for no reason. Whenever there is strife between neighbours, the entire community becomes divided which leads to people being marginalised. Mother Teressa once said: “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” I am encouraging people to care for other persons. Together we can alleviate poverty,” said Molekwa.

Molekwa said they would like to thank their sponsor, Iwisa Maize Meal, for their continuous support as they are managing to donate Iwisa products, vegetables and other food items to help poor families in the community.

“Let’s all show love to the underprivileged because it is written that ‘whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy, honours God’,” he concluded.

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