
The finest township talent on stage

Celebrating only the finest township talent on stage.

The last few months have seen South Africa’s art landscape abuzz with hives of activity as the Kas’ Art Exhibition dominate, showcasing the abundance of talent in some of South Africa’s townships in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Free State, Eastern Cape and Limpopo.

This will culminate in a Grand Finale event, taking place on August 8, at the Katlehong Art Centre the gate will open at 11:00 until 16:00 for art exhibition and performances will start at 13:00 – 14:00.

“In 2001 when I established what would quickly become one of the East Rand and the country’s most recognisable art movements: the Lucky Dance Theatre, we had no idea of the impact we would have on the local art scene,” says founder Lucky Kele, who was awarded the ‘Most promising male dancer in contemporary dance’ during the 2006 Gauteng MEC’s Awards, for the works Engomeni and Frustration.

Lucky Dance Theatre proceeded to winning the accolade ‘Best choreography’ during the Best of Regions Dance Festival, hosted by Gauteng Department of Sports, Reconciliation, Arts and Culture for their tale ‘Separation’.

“As a dance company, our aim was always to highlight just how much raw talent really is out there when it comes to the arts, and that is why we came up with the Kas’ Art Exhibition.

“This has proven to not only us but to the greater art collective just how rich we are when it comes to skills and natural ability,” adds Kele.

The Grand Finale will see only the most refined artists and memorable productions take to the stage. Amongst these will be Shadow Graves, which was done by international artist from Zimbabwe, France, Madagascar, Ivory Coast, Germany and three South Africa artist, it was presented in Johannesburg-Newtown Dance Space, July 26, 2014 and now the same production will be rehearsed and performed by six young South African female dancer focusing on women issues facing our country at large. This highly relevant piece performed a day before the commemoration of National Women’s Day.

Shadow Graves in South Africa formed by six young women from different dance companies take the audience on an artistic journey of frustration, anger and pain.

This is apt as women all over South Africa still face hardships on a daily basis, including domestic violence of all forms; this piece is expected to live the audience with a food of thought.

Yet another socially relevant production on offer at the Kas’ Art Exhibition’s Grand Finale is Double Exit, highlighting just how deep-rooted our social ills are, but more importantly, how solutions be collaborated by all members of the affected communities.

In addition to their commitment to the ever growing township arts, Voice of the Black Soul sees Thembela Hlatshwayo and Lucky Kele utilising dance to discuss the taboo subjects of fear, depression, frustration and how they impact individuals’ souls. This piece will be rehearsed and performed young upcoming dancer from Orange farm

As testament to the phenomenal progress that has been realised since the inception of the Kas’ Art Exhibition, immediately after the Grand Finale the Lucky Dance Theatre will hit the ground running as they start rehearsing for their next major project called Reflexion.

This will be a tour of the Ivory Coast where they will be performing at the Festival International de Danse et Formation `a Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire (FIDFA), from September 3 to 13.

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