Rotary Club of Hillcrest shows gratitude

The Rotary Club showed appreciation to local businesses that have been supporting them and awarded faithful Rotarians.

WITH businesses being strong pillars of the Rotary Club of Hillcrest, which enables them to do good things for the community, Rotarians recently hosted a special evening to say ‘thank you’ to the people and businesses that support them.

At the dinner, which was held at Mode de Vie, Le Domaine, the Rotarians were privileged to have the district governor, Jacques Venter, in attendance to hand out the awards.

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The event focused on two types of service awards.

They started by thanking local businesses, such as Richdens SPAR, Hillcrest PostNet and Campbell’s Transport, for all their help during the year.

“These businesses are like strong pillars that help the Rotary Club continue to do good things for the community,” said Colin Hegter, president of the Rotary Club of Hillcrest.

The second part of the service awards was appreciating Rotarians who have faithfully served their community for many years. Among them was Phil Thornton, a dedicated member who has been part of the Rotary Club of Hillcrest for an incredible 30 years.

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“He’s a real example of someone making a difference in the community.”

Hegter emphasised that the Rotary Club of Hillcrest is all about helping others, and the night was a reminder of how important local businesses are in making this happen.

“It wasn’t just an awards night; it was a special moment showing how working together can make positive changes in Hillcrest and beyond. The club is ready for another year of helping, knowing that it’s the teamwork of local businesses, committed Rotarians and community members that keeps the good going-and following the Rotary International theme to ‘Create Hope in the World’,” added Hegter.

He also invited anyone interested in being part of this good work to contact him on 083 456 8434.

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