
Hacks to Maintain and Improve Your Brain Power

Let us help you work on maintaining and improving your brainpower so that the next time you will remember your dentist appointment weeks in advance!

It’s pretty disheartening when you realise that you’ve forgotten your purse at home or your best friend’s birthday. However, there is something you can do about it. Let us help you work on your brainpower, so that the next time, you will remember your dentist appointment weeks in advance! Here are simple hacks to maintain and improve your brain power:

 Take Notes

Psychologists have found that just the simple act of writing things down can boost memory. Research conducted found that students who take class notes by hand learn more than those who type on their laptops.

Get More (Healthy) Fats into Your Meal Plan

Your brain needs healthy fats to function properly. The best way to quickly improve cognitive function and focus is to get more healthy fats into your diet. Broccoli, nuts, fatty fish, blueberries, avocados, eggs are considered healthy fats as they help your brain to run more efficiently. Spreads made from these healthy fats like Flora Pro-activ also help to lower high levels of cholesterol for improved heart health. Try it on sandwiches or as a topping on veggies, mixed into sauces or porridge to ensure that you get your 25 g per day.

Eye Movements

Researchers speculate that moving your eyes from side to side can link the right and left hemispheres of the brain. While researchers are not yet sure about wiggling your eyes back-and-forth, they suggest that it certainly won’t hurt.

Power Nap

The next time you’re under pressure to complete a work project, try taking a quick power nap beforehand. Experts have long known that sleep plays a vital role in memory as it is used for memory consolidation and brain cleanup. Don’t be shy to take a power nap at your desk! What’s not to appreciate about waking up feeling invigorated enough to tackle that work project head-on?

Start Your Day with Exercise

Get your blood flowing every morning for 20 minutes to kickstart your mind and develop stronger focus throughout the day. Caring for your brain and your overall well-being starts with exercise. Run, jog, dance – simply enjoy the freedom that comes with moving your body.

With these simple hacks you’re on your way to improving and maintaining your brain power.

If heart health is also a concern, why not take a look at Flora’s selection of healthy living tips?    

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