Fun, finance and friendship forecasts for June from by our Durban Astrologer

For centuries, humans have looked to the heavens for guidance. Astrology is the study of the relationships or links between the astronomical positions of the planets and events on earth.

Allow us to introduce our Durban Astrologer, Gene:

“I am an intuitive astrologer and have practised it for a number of years. I’m fascinated about how the planets can affect our everyday lives and act as a good sounding board when decisions are hard to make. It’s a framework that helps people to understand various character traits about themselves and others.

Astrology reveals energetic possibilities and potentials, which behaviours to modify, and the best path to follow that suits your preferences. Astrology is a wisdom tool that illuminates. It will light the way with clarity, empowerment and wisdom however you ultimately decide which journey to take.”

Here is Gene’s take on June

We may experience some turbulent energy this month as Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn which will carry into 2020 which will create permanent changes especially globally ie United States. There is a lot happening and will take the world into a new level. Hidden issues will unfold this year which may have created fear and kept us away from the powers that be. We start to see what the truth is below the surface; we are becoming more consciously aware especially on a soul level. It’s an awakening time for all.

We will feel the strength of Gemini this month and will need to look and improve how we communicate with ourselves and others. Be mindful on what we say, the power of our thoughts and choices we voice in our lives.

Wonderful time to invest in ourselves especially in self love and confidence. Believe in you and look which areas of your life needs strengthening and commit to the work that needs to be done.

Remember to breathe deeply and be aware of what you value and what really matters to you and where you direct your mental energy.

June gives us endless possibilities so be sure to breathe! The new moon is in Gemini on the 3rd June which is stimulating and active energy whereby we can make plans or put new ideas into fruition. It’s a great time to be socialising and entertaining and spending quality with loves ones. Plus let’s not forget to support our communities.

Change is definitely in the air – take it step by step and see what transpires and where the changes take you. You can feel a little scattered at times when too much is going on – remember to focus and take it one day at time. You can feel indecisiveness so calm the mind and use your intuition to guide you to make the correct decisions not your head.

Let’s see what the stars have in store for you this month – don’t forget to go out and have fun!


Take special care of your home this month – time to change things up. Move your furniture around, renovate or fix what needs attention. This will add vibrant energy to your home. Great time to entertain friends or family members that you haven’t seen in awhile. Learn something new, network or plan a short trip away for the weekend which will revitalise you. First week of June could offer you a good financial surprise or a new idea/opportunity with great rewards. Wonderful time to connect with foreigners or overseas travel. For the single Arian there could offer a long-distance relationship in distance so keep your eyes peeled!


With feminine Venus in your sign where she is most comfortable, it is a perfect time for pampering yourself. Look at your talents which may haven’t been explored which could turn into a good side line or main business – don’t miss this opportunity! Writing, speaking, teaching will inspire others this month. This year may have started off a little harder for you however there could be a reprieve if you seriously look at your abilities and talents and how you can apply to you – things will get easier for you if you develop them and will have a great year ahead. Good luck!


Happy Birthday to you – this month is your start of new year. Time to renew, refresh and do all positive things to your wellbeing. Negotiating deals or bargaining which comes easy to you, will be more beneficial this month. Excellent time for relationships on all front – business or pleasure. Even relationships that need an extra “spice” or romance – pay special attention to your significant other. Learn from challenges in your relationships as it will grow your relationship exponentially. This month is all about your relationship with yourself or others. If spirituality is your thing – great awakening this year – stay grounded and embrace the spiritual dimension.


Reflective month ahead encouraging you to look at what to let go and establish new healthy habits and find ways to find “alone” time. It’s a wonderful time to accomplishing things in a short time and move your body as much as possible ie running, pilates or yoga. Old friend or flame may come back in your life for a new start or closure. The spiritual realm is opening up for you so delve in whatever interests you, research it! Look at what you are doing at work, be aware of your behaviour or how you work or if your routine works for you. Work is very important for you this year therefore make sure you are passionate with your work and live out your dreams.


New beginning with friends, finding a new social circle or a new tribe that share your interests is key this month. Its important to let off excessive energy or emotions by journaling or writing them out or even shouting them out so that emotions aren’t suppressed and buried in your body. Good time to explore the metaphysics fields ie numerology or psychology. Find the balance with business and having fun – find your inner child and share joy with others. Reflect upon this year – where did you excel and what you can do better. The end of the month will be a great time to sign contracts and communication on all levels.


Time for a new career change/direction, changing your work focus or a new promotion up for grabs – its all about your career this month. Or if you aren’t working find new ways to making friends even in your day to day life. Be aware of your interaction with anyone. Put your energies into organisations, communities, charities or groups that have a cause which is close to your heart. There is lots of love energy this month so be kind and gentle to yourself – no critical banter. There is a possibility of moving homes, travelling or changing your environment perhaps catalysed by family changes etc. Deep studying ie working out how the mind works or dreamwork is on the cards for the end of the month – so dive deep into what interests you. A good time to find your soul mate if you are single but be discerning.


Travelling is in the air for you so plan a trip especially overseas for international business or a personal retreat for higher learning. Look at what makes you tick in the work arena or where can you make the most difference as a life transition is on the cards or time for a completely different path coming your way. Are you comprising yourself too much or not be clear in your communication – things may come to a head. Shine your light this month with your interaction with others and new opportunities will appear.


Release any old traumas or emotions that have been buried which perhaps needs deep healing. Surrender to it and allow the body to receive light. Find more meaning in every aspect of your life this month. Sharing information, blogging, motivational or inspiring talks will benefit others if that’s your buzz. Peaceful and harmonious time for relationships especially personal ones. Communication is key and speak your truth it will help you in the long term. Positive time for job applications and interviews. Wonderful time to join a business partner or exploring new avenues for investments. How are you dealing with your finances or is it time to change the way you see money or value it? There could a bonus up for grabs.


Big emphasis on relationships this month. Good time to renew existing relationships or getting into a new one – going into a harmonious time. Possibility of a new business partner in the horizon however put some energy into your finances, time to relook any debt and manage your assets. In the middle of the month there could be good news about a job. Look at what exercise you really enjoy and take it up – body needs movement. By 17th of June time to change how you feel about yourself, your hair or how you conduct your life – time to be true to you! Change is good and will make you feel amazing.


Focus is on work and health this month. Opportunity for a new job, direction or an existing challenge dissolving at work. Time to look at new health routine or new vitamin supplement – inject something soothe your body. Be proactive in your relationships whether work or personal – plan what needs to be done and act upon it. Problem solving, creative solutions comes easy to you this month. Get professionals on board if signing deals or contracts.


Declutter your home or office space and streamline your life as you are entering a very productive time. Consider even working on your own as you will be motoring ahead and don’t need interruptions. You may want to develop a hobby into business and arrange a website for it. Your social circles may be changing or meeting new people that drum to your beat. Time to play and get in touch with your inner child and have some fun. Create a new business or renew an existing business. Good time to be with young people or children. Clear the air with any loved ones if need be.


Good time to renovate, upgrade or give you house new coat paint and uplift your environment. There could be good news about a family member. Put energy into creative projects or develop your creativity further. Or promote a service or product that excites you. Find balance between work and home as there could be significant changes around – you may be travelling a lot for work or a project could come into fruition. If you are looking at changing your career – go with your intuition and don’t be swayed by others opinions. Spend time going to a music concert or movie this month. Studying a new course in health which may interest you or go for a reiki healing.

Wish you stars and blessings this month!
For an intuitive astrology reading which focuses on all areas of life – please WhatsApp Gene @ 083 378 5818 or email



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