HomesProperty News

KZN’s North Coast prime location

In this article we discuss reasons that you won’t be disappointed if you buy property in KwaZulu-Natal. Many Business owners are making their move to KZN’s North coast, as well as foreign investors. With so much activity in infrastructure, this would be a smart move.

If you are looking for the perfect position to purchase property for your business then you should consider buying property in KwaZulu-Natal. There has been some major developments in KZN’s North Coast and has seen an influx of people relocating, in this article we take a look at what all the excitement is about.

With its temperate climate already being a key attraction, not to mention the perfect location between two popular ports Durban and Richards bay, it is easy to see why this area is a traders dream come true. To top it of with the recent completion of King Shaka Airport developed as a springboard into Central and Southern Africa.

Dube Trade Port Special Economic Zone, the Agrizone and the Cargo & Logistics Hub goes on to say  “It is now abundantly clear to all that we are seeing the results of this strategy and vision becoming a reality, and I believe that we are sitting on the cusp of the next big surge. Change is often slow to start, but once a planned strategy has broken through the initial phase of skepticism the uptake and growth can become exponential.”

Some key factors driving the commercial Nature of the North include, a phenomenon called semigration, this is basically where whole families are upping and relocating to be closer to business and cancel out travel time. It is then no wonder that the North coast has seen developments such as schools, hospitals and retail centres, not to mention that it is said that over the next 7-8 years the North Coast will see 12 000 homes go up.

As the momentum grows so do other opportunities, creating a snowball effect for the commercial, logistics and retail infrastructure.

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